Erfahrungen mit C.33 Taxi und Mietwagen GmbH

  1. Mr Stors Vindler | Beitrag vom 08.06.2022 | 12:04 Uhr

    Dear Sir/Madam, I need a taxi/Car for hire 7 days starting from 15 AUGUST 2022 TO 22 AUGUST 2022, from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm everyday (4 hours about 120 kilometers in a day),for my business concerns within the city. If the charter involves a driver,it will involve moving me from place to place and we need to calculate everyday 120 kilometers per day for 7 days,which is 4 hours per day.Give me your best rate for the taxi charter.Calculate the quote in price/hour for the taxi charter for 4 hours about 120 kilometers in a day ,also include the cost of the driver if applicable. Get back to me at Regards Mr Stors Vindler

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